How long does it take to max Town Hall 13? [ANSWERED]


Town Hall 13 or TH13 (in short) is a very crucial stage in Clash of Clans. 

In TH13, players get introduced to some new buildings, troops, spells, and much more! 

One of the most common questions that comes to the minds of most TH13 players is regarding the time taken to max Town Hall 13 completely. 

So, how much time does it take to max Town Hall 13 in Clash of Clans? 

On average, a player would take around ten to sixteen months to max Town Hall 13 completely provided that the player is very active, has more than four builders, and participates in Clan War Leagues (CWL) and Clan Games (CG). 

If a player has a gold pass and is very active as well, the player would be able to max out Town Hall 13 in less than ten months. 

However, if a player is not very active and has less than four builders, it would take more than one and a half years for the player to max out TH13 completely. 

In this article, I've answered this question in more detail. 

I've also answered some related questions that come to the minds of most TH13 players. 

So, without any further ado, let us dive right into it! 

How much time does it take to max Town Hall 13? 

Generally, a player with more than four builders can max out the entire Town Hall 13 base in less than ten months. 

But, to do so, the player must play Clan War Leagues (CWL) and Clan Games (CG). 

One can use the rewards of CWL and CG for various upgrades in TH13. 

As a result, the total time taken to max TH13 would decrease. 

One can also use gems to speed up a few upgrades. 

However, if the Town Hall 13 base is entirely rushed, it would take more than one and a half years (or two years) to max out the base! 

Sometimes, players have less than four builders and are not very active in the game. 

In that case, it might take more than one year to max the TH13 base. 

But, if the players get more active and participate in clan war leagues and clan games, it would take less than twelve months to max the same base. 

Now, let us check out some related questions that are quite common among the Town Hall 13 players.

How much time does it take to max Town Hall 13 with an active gold pass? 

If one has an active gold pass and is quite active in the game, it would take less than ten months for one to max out the Town Hall 13 base. 

However, to do so, one must participate in Clan War Leagues (CWL) and Clan Games (CG) and use the rewards for upgrades. 

It is also quite important to note that if a player has an active gold pass but does not play the game much, it would take more than ten months to max the TH13 base. 

How many gems would be required to max Town Hall 13 completely?

When calculated properly, it would take around 1,500,250 gems to max Town Hall 13 completely. 

What would be the total cost to max Town Hall 13 entirely by buying gems?

One would require around 1,500,250 gems to max TH13. 

Therefore, when calculated properly, the total cost to max Town Hall 13 entirely by buying gems would be around $10,800! 

Is it compulsory to max everything in Town Hall 13 before upgrading to Town Hall 14? 

It is always recommended to max everything in TH13 before upgrading to TH14. 

In the end, one has to upgrade everything to their respective max levels even if one does not max out everything initially. 

However, it is not compulsory to do so. 

If one wants to quickly upgrade to Town Hall 14, one is free to do it before maxing out the TH13 base. 

But, in that case, it is better to ensure that most of the defenses, buildings, troops, and spells are maxed before upgrading to TH14. 


In this article, I've answered a common question regarding the time taken to max Town Hall 13. 

I've also answered some related questions that are very common among the TH13 players. 

Now, I would like to hear from you: 

Are you willing to max out TH13 before moving to TH14? Why or why not? 

Or, you might have a question.

Either way, feel free to let me know by dropping down a comment below! 

I've also written an article about the time taken to max Town Hall 12 in Clash of Clans. You can find it here.


Raj Oberoi

Raj Oberoi

Raj Oberoi is a gaming enthusiast who plays a wide variety of games. When not playing games, he loves to share his views and opinions about different games.

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